Week 2 Mobility Monday: Ankle Dorsiflexion

Ankle Dorsiflexion: Help Improve Your Deadlift and Squat


Having low back pain when your deadlifting even when your form is good? When you squat is it hard to get below parallel unless your heels pop up off of the ground? Good chances are that your ankle dorsiflexion could be the problem.

Ankle mobility has been a problem for me for many years. For so long, I always thought my hips and hamstrings were the problem (they are still tight) but I finally figured out my ankle dorsiflexion was absolutely atrocious!

Poor ankle dorsiflexion can be caused by numerous things including:
1) Tight calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus)
2) Joint restriction which could be caused by a tight joint capsule or from prior surgeries/ injuries
3) Slouching when you are sitting which causes the ankle to plantar flex to balance out your poor posture
4) Other injuries to the lower body which will cause you to limp to avoid discomfort. This causes the ankle joint to tighten and limits the range of motion

Today's video I will discuss how to test for poor ankle mobility and then a couple of exercises to get you started to help improve your ankle dorsiflexion:

There are many other exercises and techniques that will help you continue to improve your ankle dorsiflexion. Remember your lower body works together to perform movements. If one part is hindering, then you may be causing more harm to the rest of your body. For me a broken ankle in high school has caused my lacking ankle mobility so I must continue to work on that. Even trainers have things we need to work on, that's what makes this field great to work in because I can experience the same problems as everyone else!

That's all for today guys! Tune in tomorrow for the next Try It Out Tuesday!





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