Week 3 Stimulus Sunday: Adversity

Adversity: It's How You Overcome It


It is something that we have all faced at one point in time in our lives. Whether it be when you got sick, when an injury has happened, when a relationship has ended, when a close one has passed away, these are all signs of adversity in some form. These are all tragic events that can change your life in some way and it does take time to recover from them. But, that is the important part: how do you overcome the adversity! Don't be the person who let's the adversity take over their life and effect what they do and how they react. What are you going to about it is what you should ask yourself every time a road block like this comes in your way.

Learning how to overcome adversity is what builds character and resilience. Being able to handle these challenges and difficulties in our lives is what will strengthen our will and confidence so we are able to tackle future obstacles. The qualities of strength, courage, character, and perseverance emerge from inside you when you respond positively to your adversities. However, many people still get caught up in their self pity and unfairness in life which results in failure to recognize what accompanies adversity like wisdom and growth.

Here are four tips to helping Overcome Adversity:

1) Accept that Adversity Will Always be a Part of Your Life: Avoiding or resisting adversity will only make it last longer. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. What are you going to do about it?

2) Build Internal Resources: Work on building up emotional strength, discipline, and faith before the adversity sets in. That way you can prepare yourself mentally for confronting it head on. Remember everything in life happens for a reason!

3) Build External Resources: Having a support system of family and friends is important for encouragement and support. When you can have someone to talk to it eases the burden making adversity easier to deal with.

4) Learn From Others Who Have Successfully Overcame Adversity: This goes along with number 4 a little bit. Ask close ones how they dealt with their adversities in similar situations as the one you are dealing with. Research other people and see how they overcame their difficulties and learn what helped  them push past their adversity and prevail.

What you do and how you respond will determine how long the adversity will stick around and how it will affect your life going forward!!!

Have a Happy Sunday, three weeks down for the blog. Thank you so much for all the support and love! You are all the reason I do this!




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