Week 4: Farmer's Carries and Alcohol

Week 4: Farmer's Carries and Alcohol


Farmer's Carries

These loaded carries are one of the best ways to improve your strength, stamina, and endurance. Farmer's carries is an exercise that replicates past and future farmers whom carry buckets of water and animal food around all day for a living. This exercise involves walking a set distance for a certain amount of time while carrying weight. It is fairly simple to do as anyone can mimic it in some way; however it is important to perform it properly to prevent injury and maximize results.

How to do a Farmer's Carry:
1) Stand between a set of dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells and place your hands in the middle of the weights to prevent them from moving back and forth.
2) Brace your core and tighten your glutes. Keep your chest forward and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Do not let the weights touch the sides of your legs
3) Take small, controlled steps and carry for an allotted time. Put the weight down gently to help prevent injury.

Farmer's Carries work almost every muscle group . Your core is braced, it helps strengthen your grip, hands, and forearms, the upper back is squeezed and the chest is up to prevent the shoulders from sagging, your legs help propel the walk with the weights, and your cardiovascular system is engaged throughout the entire movement. You can do these loaded carries for either time or distance. For time, aim for 30 to 60 seconds each side and for distance aim for 40 to 60 meters each arm. These are usually added into a workout as a finisher at the end as it is an energy draining exercise.


"Once it hits your lips, it's so good!" A great quote from Old School with this next topic. Yes alcohol, it can be the thorn in the side to every person trying to lose body fat. The realization is alcohol is a poison when it enters your body. The liver has to work diligently to excrete the alcohol from the body and since it goes through the liver to be metabolized, it is impossible for your body to burn fat during this time. So if you are a person who has a couple drinks a night when you get home from work, you are basically shooting yourself in the foot and negating all the hard work that you put in at the gym and eating right.

Now I know everyone is saying, "wait i heard studies that a glass of red wine is suppose to be good for my heart?" Yes that is true. The difference between that and going out for multiple drink every night or weekend is that having ONE drink which lasts maybe 30 mins compared to five drinks over the course of 4 to 5 hours is the time. You are wasting those 5 hours not being able to burn fat and do this often enough each week and add that time up over a year's course and you will see why you aren't making progress!

Alcohol can affect the body in several other ways including:
1) Decrease in protein synthesis and building muscle
2) Decrease in testosterone and human growth hormone
3) Decrease in motivation to get back to training the next day (let's face it no one wants to workout when they have a hangover)

Some take home tips for you so you can enjoy your alcohol and also still see results:
1) When including alcohol in meals, reduce carb and fat intake and stick with protein and veggies. You will create a thermic effect of the meal and avoid storing those extra fats and carbs
2) When choosing alcohol, go with with dark beer or white wine. The dark beer you won't chug as fast and has flavonoids which is high in antioxidants and for both of them they help reduce appetite.
3) Avoid mixed drinks. The alcohol plus the sugar in the drink means you are likely to store that sugar as fat and drink more as well.
4) Keep drinking to days that start with S only and limit the consumption to 1-2 in the day.

So add Farmer's Carries into your workouts and decrease your alcohol intake and you should see and increase in your strength in power while seeing that stubborn belly fat melt away! That's it for this week, it feels good to be back everyone! Have a great start to your week!




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