
Showing posts from September, 2017

Week 1 Savory Saturday: Chocolate Almond Protein Cake

Chocolate Almond Protein Cake September 30, 2017  Saturday's are a time when people and families like to do one thing in common: treat themselves from the long week that just happened. I have no complaints about this because I do this all the time but of course in moderation! If you really know me then you know as a kid, and still now to this day, I have a horrible sweet tooth. Cookies, cakes, pies, you name it and I would be all over it! For me being a personal trainer and nutrition specialist I knew this had to stop. So over the past couple years I got into finding healthy baking recipes that would help cure my sweet tooth. The recipe I'm sharing with you today is a Chocolate Almond Protein Cake that I found in a cook book by Joe Wicks, a British fitness coach. This cake is filled with protein, good fats, and to sweeten the cake you use dates, a fruit that is used in a lot of healthy baked goods instead of any added sugars or sweeteners. Here is the list of ingredi

Week 1 Fun Friday 2000 Meter Rowing Challenge

The 2000 Meter Rowing Challenge September 29, 2017 Let's start the first Fun Friday Challenge off which involves my favorite piece of cardio equipment: The Rower. Rowing machines are a great way to recruit and build muscles, strengthen cardiovascular endurance and stamina levels, and helps improve flexibility and mobility. I consider the rowing machine a full body workout because not only are you pulling the handle with your lats and arms, you first initial move in driving through the legs to start your pull. During the first "catch" or pull, you power through your quadriceps and hamstrings muscles by extending through your knees and hips. Then, from the legs, the force is transferred to your core and upper body where you fire up your abs, obliques, lats, traps, and arms to pull the handle back to right below your chest at the ribcage. Today the challenge for the rower is 2000 meters as fast as you can. I found this challenge on which is an awesome

Week 1 Tip of the Day Thursday: Walking

Walking: The Best Exercise You Can Do For Your Body September 28, 2017 I know these first couple posts have been very ordinary and if you are looking for new topics of health and fitness they will be sprinkled in don't worry. But just like when you first start working out or when beginning a nutrition plan you have to start with the basics and master that first and that's what I am doing with my blog topics! I'm sure you already have been told by your doctor that you should start walking to help with your heart, cholesterol levels, and all that other medical jargon. Well this is something I condone people start doing EVERYDAY as well! Walking is a low impact exercise that is easy on the joints and you don't have to invest a lot of stress to your body like you do with high intensity exercise. Walking can be done by any person because it is a basic movement of everyday life and if you are new to fitness I would start off with that to see where your cardiovascular en

Week 1 Workout Wednesday: Pushups

Pushups: Are you doing them correctly?!?! September 27, 2017 Pushups are one of the best exercises you can do to build pure upper body strength. It is an exercise that can be done anywhere because all you need is your body to do it. Pushups not only challenge the upper body but also your core and lower body as well. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing people who can't even do a regular pushup correctly go to the Barbell Bench Press and think they are ready to throw 45's on the bar to only do 2 half-assed presses that they would call "reps". To perform a pushup correctly you must first set up correctly. Here is the step by step breakdown: 1) Feet: Toes should be tall and straight. You do not want the balls of your feet on the ground. 2) Legs: You want to keep your legs straight as can be so a good cue would be me telling you to "contract your quadriceps" or "squeeze the front of your legs" so it doesn't allow your knees to bend

Week 1 Try it Out Tuesday: Quinoa

Quinoa:'s NOT a CARBOHYDRATE?!?! September 26, 2017 When I need to run to the store to buy food for meal prep days, I am always stocking up on quinoa! It is one of my favorite foods to eat and every time I make meals for the week or even when looking for a good place to eat out, I always check the menu to see if quinoa is a side dish option. Quinoa is considered a "superfood" because it is a high protein SEED that contains all nine essential amino acids. Wait, did he just say seed and not carb?! Yes!! Quinoa was actually considered by the Incas the "Mother of All Grains" even though technically it isn't a grain. Even though we cook and eat quinoa like a grain, the part that is eaten from the plant is the seeds that are extracted when the plant turns a purple or red color as shown in the picture on the left. Since quinoa is a seed, it can be tolerated by people who have grain allergies. It is great to replace rice or oats

Week 1 Monday Mobility: X Band Walks

X-Band Walks September 25, 2017 We live in a world where people have jobs and lifestyles that involve so much sitting whether it be from working a desk job, to sitting in on important meetings all day, to driving back and forth in the car to work or to take the kids somewhere, or just being lazy and sitting on the couch watching TV munching away on Doritos and drinking can after can of Mountain Dew. When we sit too much it causes our gluteus muscles to become weak and inhibited. Do you realize that your glutes are one of the largest muscle groups in your body and can also be the most powerful? So if your sitting down reading this post right now I want you to get up and if you have a resistance band I want you to grab it. If not go buy one in the short future. You can find them at Walmart or Dicks for a cheap price. To help with those weak glutes we will be performing X-Band Walks . This exercise is great for activating your Glute Medius and your external rotators of yo

Welcome to Your Daily Serving of Ry Bread!

Hello Health and Fitness Enthusiasts, It's time to cut out the bad carbs and make sure you start getting Your Daily Serving of Ry Bread each and every day!! I have always wanted to start a blog to teach and help people with achieving a healthy lifestyle from exercise, nutrition, and motivation. This will not only help everyone to live a healthier lifestyle; but will force me to keep up to date on current health and fitness topics and concerns to keep everyone in the loop with. Each day will be a different category which will pertain to either exercise and fitness, nutrition, or motivation/well-being. Here is the schedule and of what topic you can expect each day: Mobility Monday: A mobility or flexibility exercise or routine that will help your body be able to move more freely and be relieved of tightness Try it Out Tuesday: A nutrition based day where I give you a certain food, beverage, spice or herb etc. that can be incorporated into your daily diet that will help improv