Week 1 Monday Mobility: X Band Walks

X-Band Walks

September 25, 2017

We live in a world where people have jobs and lifestyles that involve so much sitting whether it be from working a desk job, to sitting in on important meetings all day, to driving back and forth in the car to work or to take the kids somewhere, or just being lazy and sitting on the couch watching TV munching away on Doritos and drinking can after can of Mountain Dew. When we sit too much it causes our gluteus muscles to become weak and inhibited. Do you realize that your glutes are one of the largest muscle groups in your body and can also be the most powerful? So if your sitting down reading this post right now I want you to get up and if you have a resistance band I want you to grab it. If not go buy one in the short future. You can find them at Walmart or Dicks for a cheap price.

To help with those weak glutes we will be performing X-Band Walks. This exercise is great for activating your Glute Medius and your external rotators of your hips as well. 

The video below explains hows to perform them:

Do 1-2 sets of 10-15 steps each way either before a workout as a warmup or even just incorporate them into an everyday routine to wake up your butt!

Give them a try and let me know what you think and see if you notice a difference. I guarantee your butt, knees, hips, and lower back will be thanking me the next time you perform leg exercises or during your everyday activities.

That's all for today guys, happy Monday to everyone!




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