Week 1 Workout Wednesday: Pushups

Pushups: Are you doing them correctly?!?!

September 27, 2017

Pushups are one of the best exercises you can do to build pure upper body strength. It is an exercise that can be done anywhere because all you need is your body to do it. Pushups not only challenge the upper body but also your core and lower body as well. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing people who can't even do a regular pushup correctly go to the Barbell Bench Press and think they are ready to throw 45's on the bar to only do 2 half-assed presses that they would call "reps".

To perform a pushup correctly you must first set up correctly. Here is the step by step breakdown:

1) Feet: Toes should be tall and straight. You do not want the balls of your feet on the ground.
2) Legs: You want to keep your legs straight as can be so a good cue would be me telling you to "contract your quadriceps" or "squeeze the front of your legs" so it doesn't allow your knees to bend
3) Hips: I would rather see your hips higher than lower during a pushup so that there is no increased risk of you injuring your spine
4) Core: Squeeze your stomach tight like I was about to punch you as hard as I could
5) Shoulders and Hands: Shoulders should be right over top of your wrists, elbows should be tucked in to help form an arrow or 45 degree angle when you go down to the ground. The hands are pointed straight ahead and you take them and "cup" the floor instead of palms flat on the ground
6) Head: Do not tuck the chin during the pushups. This will increase flexion in the cervical spine. Instead keep your head neutral and tall looking straight down at the ground.

Pushups should be done with full range of motion, no halfsies or quarter, in order to acheive maximal effort and muscle recruitment. For beginners new to pushups start at an elevated level where there is an incline giving you more assistance. The next progression would be on the knees from the floor. The final progression is on the toes from the floor. More challenging variations of the pushup would then be adding weight to the back, rotating pushups, and even hindu pushups (a favorite of mine!).

Work on pushups everyday if you can. Start with a low goal and see if you can break each day after. That's all for Workout Wednesday, come back tomorrow for Tip of the Day Thursday!




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