Week 1 Try it Out Tuesday: Quinoa

Quinoa: Wait...it's NOT a CARBOHYDRATE?!?!

September 26, 2017

When I need to run to the store to buy food for meal prep days, I am always stocking up on quinoa! It is one of my favorite foods to eat and every time I make meals for the week or even when looking for a good place to eat out, I always check the menu to see if quinoa is a side dish option.

Quinoa is considered a "superfood" because it is a high protein SEED that contains all nine essential amino acids. Wait, did he just say seed and not carb?! Yes!! Quinoa was actually considered by the Incas the "Mother of All Grains" even though technically it isn't a grain. Even though we cook and eat quinoa like a grain, the part that is eaten from the plant is the seeds that are extracted when the plant turns a purple or red color as shown in the picture on the left.

Since quinoa is a seed, it can be tolerated by people who have grain allergies. It is great to replace rice or oats with quinoa if you are watching the amount of carbohydrates you are consuming. Also for people who are vegetarians or vegans and are looking for other ways to get protein, quinoa is a "GLUTEN- FREE" plant food that contain all nine essential amino acids which makes it a great "complete" protein source as mentioned above!

Here are a list of health benefits that quinoa has:
  • Has a low glycemic index so it's good for controlling blood sugar
  • Very high in important minerals including iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, zinc, potassium, and B-vitamins
  • High in fiber
  • High in plant antioxidants querecetin and kaempferol which have numerous health benefits
  • High in protein and essential amino acids
  • Supports a healthy metabolism and can help with other health issues including cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis
  • Just about every nutrient in quinoa has shown to help with sex drive and higher testosterone levels
When preparing quinoa, bring the water to a boil just like you would do so with rice. A standard ratio is 2 cups of water to 1 cup of uncooked quinoa. Let simmer for about 15-20 minutes where the quinoa seeds will absorb the water leaving you only with a fork to fluff it up a little. You can then add in your favorite spices and herbs.

Right here is even a link for a great recipe for a Healthy Quinoa Pie that I know I will be cooking up the next time i get to the store! Picture of the pie is shown below.

So next time you go to the store make sure to pick some quinoa. You can find it in the same aisle as the rice. You can not only make delicious recipes with quinoa, but you will feel and see a difference in your body if you add it into your healthy lifestyle on a regular basis!

That is all for today, tune in tomorrow for Workout Wednesday where I will give you a great exercise to add to your fitness regimen.





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