Week 3 Try It Out Tuesday: Eggs

Eggs: The Whole Yolk and Nothing But


What came first: the chicken or the egg? Either way you should be eating both of these foods almost everyday. But let's talk about the eggs. Eggs are given a bad name because they are supposedly high in fat, supposedly high in cholesterol, and supposedly cause heart disease. Well let's break this down: 1) Eggs are high in fat but they contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and keep cholesterol levels at bay. 2) Speaking of cholesterol, yes eggs are high in it; but one egg isn't going to raise your blood cholesterol levels. If you have high cholesterol or are cholesterol sensitive, then maybe opt for egg whites or mix 2-3 egg whites with one whole egg. 3) Eggs do not cause heart disease. Everyone is worried about the saturated fats and high cholesterol but like I said in the statement eggs contain the good fats your bodies need which will not cause heart disease but actually help prevent it and the cholesterol in eggs does not raise blood cholesterol levels which is the levels that cause heart disease (saturated fat is actually good for you also in smaller amount but that is a topic to discuss for another day.)

I hope everyone realizes that back in the day of our ancestors when they were hunting for food each day, if they had eggs they would eat the whole damn egg and not just the egg white or not even the egg at all. Everyone is so concerned about the egg yolk because of the above mentioned statement (see bolded.) If you didn't already know here are some reasons why to just eat the whole egg with the yolks:

  • Contain vitamins A, D, E, K (all fat soluble) and Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Contain a good amount of folate and vitamin B-12
  • Contain nutrients lutein and zeaxanithin which are important for your eyes
But why is everyone eating only the egg whites then?? Well the only reason I would ever only eat egg whites or add more egg whites to my diet instead of the whole egg is if I do not want the extra fat from the yolks. The egg white is basically 100% protein and contains no fat so for someone who looking to keep there calories from fat low then you can choose to just do egg whites since there is none in them. However, if you are training hard in the gym, I would recommend just eating the whole egg so you can replenish your body with the vitamins and minerals they need to recover from training.

I have been eating eggs everyday for almost the past two years; about 3-4 whole eggs a day. I am in the best shape of my life, my heart is healthy, my cholesterol levels are both excellent, and my body fat will vary between 8-10%. Now I do watch what I eat and exercise almost everyday as well so that helps with those factors. But eggs have been a staple to my nutrition for quite sometime and I highly recommend starting to incorporate eggs into your nutrition however you can!

See everyone tomorrow for Workout Wednesday! Have an "eggcellent" rest of your day.




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