Week 3 Mobility Monday: Band Pull-Aparts

Band Pull-Aparts: Help Out Your Shoulders With This Mobility Exercise


How many of you deal with nagging pains located in the front of your shoulders? Do you have a job or lifestyle where you always sit or slouch way too much? Chances are your shoulder blades have been in a rounded forward posture position for long amounts of time where the muscles have become functionally weakened, which is bad for stability and strength of the shoulder joint. This is a common reason why when people bench press (which they shouldn't) their form sucks and they complain of feeling the whole movement in their shoulders. If there was one mobility exercise to help fix all this wouldn't you want to do it everyday? Well there is...here is the band pull-apart.

Band pull-aparts are great for retraining your shoulders to move around pain by getting them to move in the opposite direction where they should be most often. A traditional band pull apart is great to add into a program as a warmup or primer exercise before any heavy pressing movement (bench press, standing military press.) The muscles you are working when you perform band pull-aparts are the upper back muscles and stabilizer muscles in the shoulder joint which will help improve your posture and help increase your strength gains in your big compound lifts like the squat and deadlift.

Add band pull-aparts into your upper body training days for multiple sets of 10-20 reps as this exercise will provide the correction and activation the posterior shoulder girdle needs to function. You should actually add band pull-aparts into your everyday workout routine so you can see the difference in your posture and how it will cause the shoulders to be pain-free.

There are numerous variations of band pull-aparts you can also do to help increase shoulder and upper back activation. I am adding a link at the bottom where you can check out to learn different ways to perform the band pull-aparts. Dr. John Rusin, a recognized rehabilitation and injury prevention performance specialist who i highly respect, shows and tells you many different variations to help that nagging shoulder pain in this article.

Week 3 of Mobility Monday in the books. See you tomorrow for Try it Out Tuesday!





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