Week 2 Try It Out Tuesday: Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3's: Start Taking it Everyday!

October 3, 2017

Do you always feel like you are bloated or have inflammation? Are you sick of feeling tired and run down all the time? The truth is your diet sucks then! You are filling your body with tons of foods that are processed, filled with added sugars, contain too many Omega 6 fatty acids, and aren't probably hardly consuming any Omega 3's either. That is leaving your body an inflamed mess on the inside!

We live in a world now where a lot of things come in boxes and bags because it is cheap to produce these items. If it's cheap to produce then it can be sold at a cheaper price and when people see the price tags on these items they can't help but grab a box or two to take home with them. Instead of looking at the ingredients list on packages, people are too focused looking at the price tag and are not caring what they put into their bodies. Well folks crappy foods give you crappy bodies and the only one that can change that is you.

But back to the inflammation and being tired and bloated. The truth is what you put in your body will have an effect on what you will feel like tomorrow. Other than changing your diet and eliminating the processed foods and replacing them with nutrient-dense ones; if there is one supplement I recommend you take everyday to help you body fight the inflammation and help you feel better it should be: OMEGA 3's!

Omega 3 fatty acids helps your body rid it of inflammation. Since the normal western diet is now filled with plenty of processed foods containing so many Omega 6 fatty acids, this is why our bodies are inflamed and our joints hurt. The normal ratio of Omega 6's to Omega 3's in the body should be 3:1. It is up to 20-30:1 in an average person which is way too high!

Omega 3 fatty acids actually rank as one of the most important essential nutrients out today. Two types of Omega 3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are beneficial for providing protective effects to your heart. Omega 3's also have many other benefits other then heart health including:

1) Fat Loss: Omega 3's have been shown to improve body composition. Combining Omega 3's with daily exercise will help improve fat loss rather than just with training alone. Omega 3's like in fish oil have also been shown to increase insulin sensitivity which leads to less fat storage and more fat release. Combining Green Tea and 1 fish oil capsule will help burn fat at a faster rate!! I will post a link where you can read more about the effects.

2) Overall Health and Longevity: One of the biggest causes of heart disease is increased inflammation in the body; the same thing that can mess up recovery time from a training session. Omega 3's make the blood less likely to form clots caused by heart attacks. They can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by decreasing triglyceride levels, decreased growth of plaque, improved arterial health, and lowering blood pressure.

3) Mental and Brain Health: Depressed people who added Omega 3's into their diet showed less anxiety, fewer sleeping problems, and less overall sadness. They have been shown to elevate mood in adults and also reduce tension and stress

Other benefits of Omega 3's include improved digestion, increased sex drive, boosted immune system, and reduce asthma symptoms.

There are many ways to include Omega 3's into your diet including:

Flax Seeds
Omega 3 Enriched Eggs
Grass-Fed Beef

Along with those foods, supplementing with fish oil also helps boost omega 3 intake. Take 1-2 capsules a day with a meal for optimal results.

So first quinoa, now Omega 3's, two things to add to your nutrition staples! Tune in tomorrow for Workout Wednesday, which features a lower body exercise that targets hip power and strength and may be one of the best exercises you can do for your body.





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