Week 2 Stimulus Sunday: Try vs. Do

Try vs. Do: The Difference Between Them


I think Sundays are becoming my favorite day for the blog; well other than those pumpkin cookies i gave yesterday so maybe it's a close second to Savory Saturday! Anyways today is another great way to shape your mentality on how to turn attempts into accomplishments. It starts with changing the word "TRY" and replacing it with the word "DO."

The word "try" is a word I hate. Once you say you are "trying" to do something you are building up the intention for potential failure or limited success. For example, if you are fed up with your eating habits and you want to make a change, saying the line "I'm going to TRY and eat better" is basically you saying "I'm probably not going to change my eating habits." Now that doesn't really issue a lot of confidence in yourself to be able to eat better. You are telling me that you are going to attempt to eat better, but in the back of your mind you already know you won't be able to. You just want me to feel good for you that you say you are going to try it but in reality I'm already you know will fail.

In reality, there really is no "TRY." There is either "DO" or "DON'T." You are either going to do it or you are not. Have you ever reached a goal by "trying?" No you haven't because then you wouldn't have reached that goal; you DID it! Anyone who has ever achieved a goal knows in their hearts that doing, not trying, got them there. Trying is not a natural state: trees do not try to grow, wind does not try to blow, sun does not try to shine, and so on. Nature is a doer, trees "DO" grow, wind "DOES" blow, and sun "DOES" shine.

Here I explain why "trying" is not the same as "doing" and why you should get rid of the word "try" altogether:

So in summary, get rid of the word "try" in all forms and make yourself sound more confident by just doing things from now on!!

Two weeks down! Thanks for the support and interest in the blog everyone! More great topics to come.




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