Week 2 Fun Friday: 300 Yard Shuttles

300 Yard Shuttles: A Great Test of Speed, Power, and Conditioning


Want to test your stamina and speed? Then try out the 300 Yard Shuttle. The 300 Yard Shuttle helps build endurance and increases your ability to be able to recover faster from sprinting situations. It also improves your speed, acceleration, and agility. The 300 Yard Shuttle is used for athletes of all levels from high school to the professionals and is also used as a test in the armed forces.

How to Perform the 300 Yard Shuttle:

  • Put out two cones either 25, 30, or 50 yards apart. If 25 yards you do 12 sprints, if 30 yards you do 10 sprints, if 50 yards you do 6 sprints.
  • Sprint as fast as you can back and forth between the two cones or making sure to touch each one each time sprinting towards it.
  • You will do it once. Rest five minutes, and then perform it one more time. You will then take the average of the two and that is your time.

For your results, here is where you can determine how high your rank:

  • >70 sec. – Poor
  • <67 sec. – Below Average
  • <65 sec. – Average
  • <60 sec. – Above Average
  • <58 sec. – Fast
  • <55 sec. – Stud
  • >75 sec. – Poor
  • <74 sec. – Below Average
  • <70 sec. – Average
  • <68 sec. – Above Average
  • <65 sec. – Fast

You don't have to be an athlete to train like one remember that! Give the challenge a shot and see how you do.

See everyone tomorrow for Savory Saturday!




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