Week 1 Stimulus Sunday: Purpose

What is Your Purpose?

October 1, 2017

Happy Sunday everyone! Hope everyone has had a great weekend so far! Today is Stimulus Sunday which is a motivational topic day and I think a good one to start out with for the first Sunday is "What is Your Purpose?"

A purpose in life or for whatever you do is a very important sense to have. Without purpose, we lose our way and become demotivated and depressed. You don't just wake up one day and say "I'm going to become (this career)", or "I'm going to start doing (this activity)." There is always a reason or purpose behind everything that you do.

Living a life of purpose can influence physical, emotional, and psychological benefits including:
1) Living a longer life
2) Protect against heart disease
3) Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
4) Handle pain better
5) Lead to better relationships with people
6) Have a good effect on your retirement
7) Promotes resilience

The quote I found above represents me and my purpose on life. In the video below I explain why this is my purpose and how being a personal trainer and nutrition specialist is so important and motivating to me with everything I do.

So find your purpose in life and follow it! My purpose has helped me so much in my struggles as it reminds me this is who I am and this is what I do that will help me live the life I want to. I want to thank every person so far that has viewed this blog or has sent positive feedback towards me. Whether you have only read one post or have read all of them, I appreciate your attention and hope going forward that I can continue to provide you with great daily topics to help you in your health and fitness journeys! Have a great Sunday and I'll see you for the kick off of Week 2 Mobility Monday tomorrow.





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